1.1 - La Fédération
Il est constitué par les présents statuts une « FÉDÉRATION EUROPÉENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS D'ORTHODONTIQUES SPÉCIALISÉS » (EFOSA) ci-après, par abréviation, dénommée la « Fédération ».
Cette Fédération est une association sans but lucratif, régie par la loi française du 1er juillet 1901, et notamment son Titre IV (Décret du 12 avril 1939) relatif aux associations étrangères. C'est une personne morale.
Elle sera également soumise, dans chacun des pays de l'Union européenne, aux dispositions du droit applicable aux associations étrangères.
1.2 - Siège
La Fédération aura son siège à Strasbourg.
Le siège peut être transféré à une adresse autre que Strasbourg par simple décision de la majorité des membres de la fédération, ou dans toute autre ville des pays mentionnés à l'article 227-1 du Traité signé à Rome le 25 mars 1957 ou à tout autre État européen devenu membre de l'Union européenne, conformément à l'article 237 dudit traité, par décision de l'Assemblée statuant dans la condition fixée à l'article 18 ci-dessous.
1.3 - Durée
La Fédération est fondée pour une durée illimitée.
1.4 - Objectifs
The aim of the Federation is to unite associations or groups of orthodontic specialists or practitioners, who have a comparable education and working conditions as orthodontic specialists with a view to 1. Obtaining official recognition of orthodontic specialists in all countries in Europe, 2. Providing and promoting orthodontic treatment by orthodontic specialists of the highest quality in all countries of Europe according to the concept of quality improvement, 3. Defending, in the widest sense, the professional, political and economic interests of orthodontic specialists, especially through the establishment of relations with national and international authorities and bodies with a view to their eventual representation at the Economic and Social Committee instituted by Articles 193 to 198 of the Treaty of Rome, as well as through contacts and agreements with the representatives of other professions, 4. Formulating and updating the conditions of professional practice of orthodontic specialists in each of the member countries of Europe while seeking the unification of the national legislations governing the practice of the profession by taking part in the formulation of the directives in the manner provided by Article 57 of the Treaty of Rome, 5. Assisting the authorities of the European Union through their experience as practitioners, and to intercede with such authorities, especially when dealing with the question of the right of free choice of residence and the freedom of right to practice as a specialist, 6. Interceding, if need be, in a member country of Europe to the extent that such intercession may be helpful in allowing the members of the associations or groups to practice their profession under the best conditions. The intercession may be made, however, only upon the specific request of the member association or group of the country in question, 7. Improving the contents and quality of education for orthodontic specialists by means of formulating proposals geared toward defining and coordinating the teaching of orthodontics at the university and post-university level, 8. Standardizing European examinations at the end of specialist training programs in orthodontics, 9. Advising and supporting national associations or groups that aim to obtain recognition for the specialty of orthodontics in their country, establish an official specialist register and form a national society of orthodontic specialists, 10. Seeking financial support through grants and other means to realize the aims listed above.
2. Adhésion
2.1 Membres Actifs
Active membership is confined to professional associations or groups of orthodontic specialists exclusively, from countries within the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA), and those which have entered into an agreement with the EU regarding freedom of movement of professionals. Active member countries must also have regulated the profession in accordance with the EU directive of 2005/36 and maintain an official register of specialists. The above also applies to countries on the basis of mutual orthodontic specialty recognition. Provisional membership is confined to professional associations or groups of practitioners, who have a comparable education and working conditions as orthodontic specialists, from countries within the EU and the European Economic Area, but whose government has not yet provided official orthodontic specialty recognition and professional regulation in accordance with the EU directive of 2005/36. Affiliated membership is confined to professional orthodontic associations or groups from Europe in countries that fulfil the requirements of article 5 paragraph 1 or 2, but in countries that do not belong to the EU and the European Economic Area or do not have an arrangement of free movement and the right of free establishment within the EU and the European Economic Area on the basis of mutual orthodontic specialty recognition. Only one professional association or group may function as the representative of a country. Approved with all votes.
2.2 Nouveaux membres
Associations or groups wishing to become members of the Federation must forward to the council: 1. Obtaining official recognition of orthodontic specialists in all countries in Europe, 2. Providing and promoting orthodontic treatment by orthodontic specialists of the highest quality in all countries of Europe according to the concept of quality improvement, 3. Defending, in the widest sense, the professional, political and economic interests of orthodontic specialists, especially through the establishment of relations with national and international authorities and bodies with a view to their eventual representation at the Economic and Social Committee instituted by Articles 193 to 198 of the Treaty of Rome, as well as through contacts and agreements with the representatives of other professions, 4. Formulating and updating the conditions of professional practice of orthodontic specialists in each of the member countries of Europe while seeking the unification of the national legislations governing the practice of the profession by taking part in the formulation of the directives in the manner provided by Article 57 of the Treaty of Rome, 5. Assisting the authorities of the European Union through their experience as practitioners, and to intercede with such authorities, especially when dealing with the question of the right of free choice of residence and the freedom of right to practice as a specialist, 6. Interceding, if need be, in a member country of Europe to the extent that such intercession may be helpful in allowing the members of the associations or groups to practice their profession under the best conditions. The intercession may be made, however, only upon the specific request of the member association or group of the country in question, 7. Improving the contents and quality of education for orthodontic specialists by means of formulating proposals geared toward defining and coordinating the teaching of orthodontics at the university and post-university level, 8. Standardizing European examinations at the end of specialist training programs in orthodontics, 9. Advising and supporting national associations or groups that aim to obtain recognition for the specialty of orthodontics in their country, establish an official specialist register and form a national society of orthodontic specialists, 10. Seeking financial support through grants and other means to realize the aims listed above.
2.3 - Exclusion des membres
Les membres qui cessent de remplir les conditions de l'article 5, alinéa 1 ci-dessus, perdent leur qualité de membre actif. Les membres qui ne respectent pas leurs obligations envers la Fédération et les buts qu'elle poursuit peuvent être exclus de la Fédération. L'exclusion est prononcée sur proposition du Conseil à la majorité simple, suivie d'un vote de l'Assemblée à la majorité des deux tiers. Le pays membre qui fait l'objet de l'exclusion proposée ne peut pas prendre part à ce vote. Approuvé à tous les suffrages.
2.4 - Retraits des membres
Tout groupement membre de la Fédération peut se retirer à condition d'en aviser le président du Conseil avant le 30 juin, le retrait prenant effet au 1er janvier de l'année suivante.
Les cotisations seront dues pour l'année en cours.
Tout groupement membre qui se retire de la Fédération perd tout droit de recours contre la Fédération et tout droit de vote. Elle demeure néanmoins responsable des obligations financières assumées par la Fédération jusqu'au moment où son retrait devient effectif.
3. Conseil élu
3.1 - Conseil élu
The Federation is administered by a Council composed of five delegates, each representing an active member. Each member association or group will freely designates its wishes to present as a candidate for the office of Councilor of the Federation. The Councilors are elected for four years. They are eligible for re-election on one consecutive occasion. In principle the Councilors are not remunerated for their services. Their travel and operation expenses can nonetheless be reimbursed where such expenses have been incurred on behalf of the Federation and in the framework of an official assignment entrusted by the Federation. A Council member shall take office the day after the election.
3.3 - Rôles du Conseil
Le Conseil est composé d'un Président, d'un Vice-Président, d'un Secrétaire, d'un Trésorier et d'un Membre élu comme tel par l'Assemblée.
3.3 - Réunions du Conseil
The President convenes the Council each time he feels it necessary. The Council may also be called together by petition signed by two Councilors. The notice must be mailed by letter at least one month in advance. It should include an agenda. In the case of an emergency the Council may be convened by telephone or e-mail with 5 days notice. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote. In case of a split vote, the vote of the President is decisive. Decisions are transcribed to a register of minutes and signed by the Chairman and Councilors who attended the meeting. Copies of such decisions, signed by the Chairman or by the Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, serve as authentic documents before the courts and otherwise. Three Councilors constitute a quorum. One absent Councilor can give a nominal proxy to a colleague on the Council to vote in his name.
3.4 - Représentation du Conseil
Le Président, ou en son absence, le Vice-Président représente la Fédération à l'égard des tiers, notamment auprès des institutions de l'Union européenne, ainsi que devant les tribunaux et devant toutes les administrations publiques et privées._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
Le Conseil assure le fonctionnement de la Fédération dans le sens des buts fixés par la présente constitution, et conformément aux décisions de l'Assemblée, à laquelle il rend compte de ses activités.
3.5 - Changements au Conseil
En cas de décès, de démission ou d'empêchement permanent d'un Conseiller d'exercer ses fonctions, un autre membre du Conseil peut reprendre ses fonctions jusqu'à l'élection d'un nouveau Conseiller à la prochaine Assemblée.
4. Auditeurs
L'Assemblée peut nommer deux commissaires aux comptes pour deux ans. Les deux commissaires aux comptes doivent être délégués et de deux nationalités différentes. Ils ne peuvent pas être choisis parmi les Conseillers.
Ils présenteront à l'Assemblée un rapport sur les comptes et les opérations financières de l'exercice écoulé, ainsi que la situation de la Fédération à la clôture dudit exercice.
5. Assemblages
5.1 - Réunions
Members of the Federation meet with their delegates upon notice sent by the Council in a Assembly at least once a year. Extraordinary Assemblies may also be called, either by the Council or upon the request of at least two active members. The Assembly meets at the address indicated in the notice of the meeting; such notice should indicate the day of the meeting. It should be made known to the members of the Federation at least 4 weeks before the date set for the meeting. The Assembly, whatever its agenda, validly deliberates when half the members are present. Each member can give a mandate to another member of the federation to represent it. In case a quorum is not reached, a second Assembly may be called, by registered letters, with the same agenda, within a maximum period of two months following the meeting of the Assembly which could not validly deliberate. No quorum is required in this case.
5.2 Délégation
The Assembly is composed of two delegates from each member. An attendance list has to be drawn up and signed by the delegates. Only active members are entitled to vote. Each active member has only one vote, irrespective of the number of delegates present at the Assembly. The Assembly is conducted by the President or by the Vice-President, or, if they are unable to do so, by a delegate elected as Chairman by the Assembly. It appoints two of its delegates to supervise the voting. Minutes of the sessions are drawn up, and sent out, within 6 months of the meeting, to all members of the Federation.
5.3 Délibération
The Assembly deliberates: 1. On the report of the Council describing the activities of the Federation during the year just ended, 2. On the balance sheet of the financial year just ended, on the accounts of the current year, and on the draft budget for the following year, 3. On the report of the Auditors, after they have examined the accounts of the Treasurer, 4. On the discharge of the Council regarding the responsibilities concerning the accounts of the past financial year, 5. On the admission of new members or their expulsion. The Assembly provides for the accession and replacement of Councilors and Auditors. The Assembly makes all decisions concerning the general activities of the Federation.
5.4 Votes et décisions
Les décisions sont prises, à moins que les présents statuts et règlements n'en disposent autrement, par un vote à la majorité simple des membres présents et votants.
En cas de partage des voix, la voix du Président est prépondérante.
6. Finances
6.1 - Dépense
The Council assures that regular accounts are kept of the receipts and expenditures of the Federation. The expenses of the Federation are covered by contributions of the members according to the rules specified in the Bylaws. If additional or special expenditures must be made, they will be apportioned among members in a manner defined at the ordinary Assembly. The financial year runs from 1st of April to March 31st.
6.2 - Ressources financières
Les ressources de la Fédération sont constituées de :
les cotisations annuelles de ses membres,
les subventions et dons qu'il peut recevoir,
les revenus des biens ou actions qu'elle peut posséder,
les cotisations ou honoraires qu'elle peut recevoir pour des travaux ou études qui lui sont confiés et qui concernent tous ses membres.
6.3 - Sanctions
Les dépenses sont sanctionnées par le Président, ou par le Trésorier.
Les cotisations sont perçues chaque année par le Trésorier. Si après deux rappels, dont le second par lettre recommandée, l'association ou le groupement ne règle pas ses cotisations dans un délai de quinze jours, il est exclu de la Fédération par le Conseil, dans l'attente d'un recours devant l'Assemblée.
7. Amendements à la Constitution et aux Règlements
Le Conseil ou au moins 3 Membres Actifs peuvent faire des propositions d'amendements aux Constitutions et Règlements. Les propositions doivent être distribuées avec l'ordre du jour de la réunion de l'Assemblée générale.
Les décisions sur les amendements à la Constitution et/ou aux Règlements nécessitent un vote à la majorité des deux tiers de l'Assemblée pour entrer en vigueur.
8. Dissolution
8.1 - Nombre minimum de membres
Si le nombre de pays représentés dans la Fédération est réduit à trois, la Fédération sera dissoute.
8.2 - Dissolution
En cas de dissolution pour le motif prévu à l'article 23 ou pour tout autre motif, l'Assemblée nomme, à la majorité simple, un ou plusieurs commissaires chargés de liquider les biens de la Fédération.
Après paiement des charges et des frais de liquidation, l'actif net sera reversé à une ou plusieurs organisations caritatives internationales à caractère dentaire.
9. Final Des provisions
9.1 - Désaccords
Any fundamental disagreement between the Federation and one or more members, concerning or resulting from the constitution of the Federation, will ultimately be decided by arbitration. Each party will appoint its arbitrator; the two arbitrators will name a third one. In case they are unable to agree upon the appointment of this third arbitrator, the latter shall be designated, upon the request of the first party to act, by the President of the Commission of the European Union designated according to article 161 of the Treaty of Rome. The arbitrators will render their decision within 3 months of the appointment of the third arbitrator. Settlement will take place by arbitration or according to the principles of French law.
9.2 - Règlements
Des règlements seront formulés ultérieurement selon les besoins et les activités de la Fédération.
9.3 - Formalités légales
These Bylaws are drafted in English and French, the only official languages for documents. "Orthodontics" as written in these regulations is understood to mean the following terms: "Jaw Orthopedics" "Orthopédie Dento-Faciale" "Orthopédie Dento-Maxille Faciale" "Kieferorthopädie" "Dento-Maxillaire Orthopaedie" "Ortognatodonzia" "Kjeveortopedi" "Omràdettandreglering" "Orqodontikh" as well as other similar terms.
9.4 Formalités légales Suite.
The Federation will request the authorizations of the French Ministry of the Interior, in conformity with Article 22 of the law of July 1, 1901 (Decrees of April 12, 1939) and will make all deposits and carry out all legal formalities. The bearer of a copy of these regulations is invested with all powers to this effect from the present time. The founding members of the Federation were: Societe Belge d'Orthodontic-Belgische Vereniging Voor Orthodontie Foreningen af Specialtandlaeger i Orthodonti Syndicat des Specialistes Francais en Orthopedie Dento-Faciale Berufsverband der Deutschen Kieferorthopaden British Association of Orthodontists Nederlandse Vereniging van Specialisten in de Dento-Maxillaire Orthopaedie Syndacato Unitario Specialisti on Ortognatodonzia Orthodontic Group of the Irish Dental Association